The Toyota Prius is one of the most popular hybrid cars in the market. When you are about to buy one, should you buy a new or a used Prius? What are the shortcomings should you be aware of? Will a used Prius justify the price tag when parts are replaced? Which year’s model should you go for if you are getting a used car? These questions loom large in our minds.
A quick search on the web will immediately show tons of results. A lot of users want to go the hybrid route, keep costs low by opting for a used car, but they need to know if they should spend more on buying a new car or not.
An obvious answer would be yes, you do have to spend to replace parts that are worn out and to improve the driving experience.
Besides, Prius cars released in different years have specific issues that you should know about before taking the big plunge. While buying a brand-new car is much easier, it costs a lot more.
You must do a lot more homework when you opt for a pre-owned model.
Here is an article we did about problems with buying used Toyota Prius.
Benefits of Buying a New Toyota Prius
If you are willing to stretch the budget or if you are open to investing your savings in a hybrid car, buying the 2018 or a newer model of the Toyota Prius will be your best bet.
When buying products like cars or smartphones, at times a newer model may have many technical issues which will be ironed out with every new release.
However, the original Prius was released way back, before 2005, and has been around for more than a decade now.
The manufacturer of the car, Toyota, ensured the most common and widely criticized complaints found in the car were gradually reduced.
An infographic released by a consumer complaint forum confirmed that the Prius is a much better car in recent times, especially models released in the year 2013 and later.
There aren’t any specific complaints and even though the newer models are more expensive to buy. Even when brought in used condition, it could be slightly less expensive than buying a 2017 or 2018 Prius from the dealer.
- The battery will be in its best condition and you will be able to use it for another 100k or 150k miles within the warranty provided by Toyota, for 10 years at least.
- Some of the newest features in the infotainment system and improved technologies in the electric motor is available only in newer models.
- Many minor issues related to the tires, AM radio, build quality, battery and other connectivity issues have been fixed in the newest car so that you can get the most bang for your buck.
Before getting into details about a used Prius, it might be useful to learn about Prius transmission here.
What to Know Before Buying a Used Toyota Prius?
2005 and 2006 Models
After carefully browsing through the long list of minor and major complaints people have to share about Prius released in 2005 and 2006, these are some of the most important ones that you should know before making the purchase.
As with all types of hybrid cars and not just the Prius, older batteries tend to stop performing after a specific period of time. In some cases, these batteries failed much earlier while others stopped charging properly which demanded a complete replacement.
In the 2006 model, the battery lasted for a solid period of 10 years and about 150,000 miles.
Based on the state you live, the maximum mile range that you could drive and still be covered by warranty will differ. A particular user on Reddit says he got the battery replaced, which he confirmed and buying a car with a new battery will get you the most duration even though it is a used variant.
Replacing the battery for a new one in the 2005 model could cost approximately $2,600.
For newer models, it is more expensive at $3,000, to replace the battery. You can scout the web to find ones that are cheaper yet come with a longer warranty period so as to make the most out of your investment.
2012 Prius Model
After using the 2012 Prius model for a considerable amount of time, here are the important points the users have to share about their car and what buyers of used Prius should know.
Braking – The braking system on the car is not one of the best and most people opine that it doesn’t get the job done or at least not in a smooth way. When you are driving at moderate speed and want to break so as to slow down in a bump, the car will slide a bit before coming to a halt.
The car uses a regenerative braking system which is designed to share energy with the battery every time you apply brake. As two different processes are being carried out, whenever you apply brake, it leads to this issue which makes it very difficult to drive in crowded spots and when people are walking by.
Model to Choose – The C version of the car seems to have received great reviews and is also fun to drive when compared to the full sedan variant.
It may compromise on the comfort levels but it still is the best when you compare all its features together and want to buy the best variant.
Selective Battery Issues – While the battery on this car is quite good, based on the location you live in and the climate conditions, the battery may wear out much earlier. When it is covered by warranty, it shouldn’t be a problem. You can consider asking the owner of the used car, the city in which they primarily used the car. Colder climate is said to affect it a lot. If they have replaced the battery, it should keep you covered for a couple of years to come.
Here is a video that suggests buying used Prius
Going for a Used Prius? Plan Your Budget with Replacement Parts
It is tempting to start off with a budget of $10,000 or so expecting to buy a used Prius off the market and start using it immediately without further expenses.
However, if you are sure about going with a used car, whichever the year of manufacturing is, be ready to focus on replacing worn out parts and they can be quite expensive.
The battery could cost $3,000 while other parts could be anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000 if they need to be replaced.
Older Prius models will require more investment upfront and if you purchase the car for $8,000, the total cost of owning and using it could go all the way up to $15,000.
Before you push the buy button on a used
Long Term Expenses of Used Toyota Prius
The question of whether you should buy a new or a used Prius can be answered when you compare the amount of money you are going to spend on the car.
One easy way is to acquire the car in easy monthly installments so that you commit yourself for a large sum of money upfront and get a brand new car that works exceptionally well.
Some of the advantages of owning a new Prius includes:
- Getting the best service from the dealer
- Extensive warranty period that could last 10 years or 100k miles
- Access to the latest features
- New, improved model
design .
All these, when combined together, make the best purchase for anyone looking to enjoy owning a hybrid car without the hassles. You won’t have to look for parts online, change the battery or other parts which at times may not be available for vehicles released before 2010 or earlier.
When compared to making a huge short term investment to pay for the car outright and owning the electric hybrid Prius, a used car will lead to long term expenses.
If you love scouting for parts online, working with a number of Prius owners and enjoying the process of building your own car after purchasing an older model, this is the way to go.
The car has to be thoroughly tested in all aspects including its battery life, warranty period left if any and the availability of the components that need to be replaced.
Here is an alternative view, advocating buying a used Prius
Buying the latest 2018 edition of the Toyota Prius is the easiest and a convenient option for any buyer who can afford the outright price of the car. It comes with a great list of amazing features and will ensure you get the best hybrid car experience.
On the hand, the used Prius from different years may have some shortcomings which you can overcome with tweaks and the replacement parts can be purchased by investing money in the long run. Your requirement and what kind of driving experience you expect will help you determine what you need.
If you need a hassle-free experience and don’t mind buying the car by paying the cost upfront or through any affordable plans, you can go for a new Toyota Prius.
For the adventure lovers who enjoy researching and tinkering their used car, opt for any model from any year, but make sure to do your research on any known issues before you sign on the dotted line.
Here is a helpful infographic to remember what we talked about so far